Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Review: She's Out of My League

Hello, have not been blogging for more than a week and now I am back again. This time I am going to review a romantic comedy called she's out of my league starring Jay Baruchel and the ever gorgeous Alice Eve.

The story is simple. It's about a guy who had "defects" going out with a perfect girl where of course, it's kinda impossible in real life. So, this story is mainly about this two actors showing how they got hook up. In between, there would be some influence and's kinda predictable. The acting is good as Jay Baruchel acted as if he is really innocent. He was last seen in Tropic Thunder and he really deserve this role. Alice Eve...what can i say....she is gorgeous, sexy, elegant...and her body...phew...needless to say...she threw away her british accent and talk like a real american...isn't she a genius...??nah..maybe not...she is major in middle might not be hard for her then..

The plot seems too predictable here and I believe you could guess the ending....yea...and this is an adult expect it to be vulgar. The jokes are funny (at times I laugh out loud)...but some of them are quite's a hit and miss....(for example, the underwear jokes...lame...)

Overall, it is still a solid production deserve to be seen and have to congratule Jay and Alice for making such a cute couple in this movie!!! This movie is not meant for children as it has strong sexual references, language as well as nudity.

Rating: Suppose to be 6, but Alice Eve made it throught so it is a HARD 7/10!!

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